Saturday, June 20, 2015

Eyes of the Ten: My take on the Seeker Arc.

Okay, first off I will try to keep this minimally spoiler-ish but I'm sure some will slip out. So those who haven't played it yet might want to jump to my next post, which will deal with my player character Cindrana who just completed it.

The big thing is it has a solid plot. IF you've played the stuff tied to it from season 0-1, and a smattering of season 2. There are a lot of hints towards the season 2 meta plot but it really is leading into the revelation of the Shadow Lodge bad guy plot of Season 2. You have to know/hate and have met the characters. And there are a bunch. Most of the plot sadly is tied in the GMs section.

Eyes show its age in the sort of challenges you meet though. Quite bluntly there is a lack of balance in the encounters. You got 'that is a CR 10?' Moments tied in with ''how many dice was that?'  My biggest complaint is the lack of resilience in some of the NPCs. Way too easy to hit. The tactics as written were largely good and could definitely show some challenges. Players can get swatted by a good hit and we had two or three close calls where Breath of Life was a literal life saver.

All in all, I don't think retirement is needed so much as rebalance for a more skilled society at large.

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