Sunday, May 31, 2015

Falling Behind in my resolution

Well it’s been barely five months and I’m already behind in my resolution to put out 52 pots for 52 weeks of the year. I’ve been busy, though thats no excuse, and at times a bit unfocused. Losing a chance at Megacon (engine fan) made me a bit grumpyl; toss in a few things like losing the first mini I painted (1987) and I’ve been a bit ‘bleh’ in outlook.

Fear not all five readers.. I’m working on a few ideas.. trying to coax myself back into a creative mood.

So, I’m musing a few ideas.

The Fiveboars clan. I’ve got this old 2e character I made back in A-school in retaliation to my buddy Ryan Hammel not letting me play a wild mage. A halfing fighter/rogue by the name of Burgen Fiveboars. A complete and utter rascal and sometimes ‘retired’ brigand; whose self professed goal was to retire and happily commit bigamy. He kept a collection of wanted posters, of himself, to make sure he kept the eye patch on the correct eye to avoid being caught for offenses throughout the area. He had a mule he took with him everywhere. ‘You old bastard’ was it’s name. I think it liked to say hello by biting the hell out of anyone not too cautious. Burgen, according to my friends at the table, killed more people than cancer. He was fun.

So… my idea was to expand on the clan. I already have one Fiveboars in my PFS line up. Mercer Fiveboars, a Halfing Cavalier from Chelliax. An ‘emancipated’ one with a chip on his shoulder the size of Westcrown and a penchant for axes.

So, some of my ideas I’ll be working on are a few more of the Fiveboars Clan. Halflings one and all.

Some of the ideas I’m working on:
-Halfing Paladin (the ‘blacksheep of the family)
-Halfing Sorcerer (Not sure.. thinking of leaning towards something that might be an arcane archer or dragon discipline)
-Halfing (or Dwarf) Alchemist (Brewer/Cook type)
-Dwarven Sorcerer (Thinking eldrtich knight)
-Dwarven Ranger (done right.. no heavy xbow with no way to do your interatives at a higher level.. maybe go Heavy repeater)

Also have a few ‘novelty characters’ from the characters in Burn Notice.. maybe pull them off ths site and put them here.